Theresa ONeil
My Heart Spirit
I am a Yogini
My name is Theresa ONeil and I live and practice Yoga in the Indiana Dunes. A Yoga instructor since 2010, I practice and share Yoga as movement meditation, challenging and nurturing students of all ages and abilities: body, mind and spirit. My personal practice varies with the seasons and my own needs, from sweet and gentle to fiery and physically challenging.
A continual learner with more than 1,000 hours of training, I’m a devoted student of Shiva Rea and have earned my second 300-hour certification in Prana Vinyasa with her. I continue to study with Shiva and her teachers.
I earned my 200 and initial 300 hour certifications from Don Wenig at Dancing Feet Yoga in New Buffalo, MI. I am a Yoga Alliance e-RYT 500.
I am connected to the land on which I live, the Indiana Dunes, traditional land of the Potawatomi. I increasingly live in rhythm with the seasons, the sun, the moon, and my own natural ebbs and flows. By living in rhythm, I am flowing with natural currents, rather than fighting against them. I honor auspicious days of the year with rituals and events for myself and for the community.
I also love rhythm and flow in music and in movement practices. Finding just the right track to create a soundscape for breathing and moving together makes me happy. I also drum, sing, and share Mantra and songs to help connect with the Spirit that breathes us all.
I flow in rhythm
I am a firekeeper
I am a literal firekeeper: I’m always the one at the campsite or ritual putting another log on the fire. I’m also a metaphoric firekeeper, tending my home hearth, cooking food with love, and creating a beautiful and comfortable space for my husband, my daughter, our family and friends. I also tend the fire of my heart: my love, passions, and my connection to the One.
And I cultivate my own inner fire to nurture wellness. I bring deep awareness to understand if the inner fire needs more fuel or air, or if it’s raging out of control. With study and tools developed throughout many years and honed through my Soulful Wellness certification, I help myself and others create that perfect smokeless fire, with glowing embers, light, and warmth.
I seek to empower
A software executive for 25+ years, who was often one of the only female executives in my companies, I am passionate about empowering and mentoring women. Through workshops and one-to-one work, I will share tools to help you realize your full potential, take your seat at the table and speak with authority, from your heart. Feel empowered so that you can bring your full and authentic Self to work, where you can shine as a leader who lifts others up.
I’m also an active ally, working to educate and empower people to become actively anti-racist. I completed the Good Trouble: Decolonizing Yoga and Dismantling Racism workshop with Nya Patrinos and Riley Skye of Yoga Jubilee in 2020 and have led Yoga & Anti-Racism workshops in Indiana and Illinois. I am now an officer of Yoga Jubilee, a non-profit collective dedicated to healing social tensions through embodied practices such as yoga.
I am devoted
I am devoted to the One, Holy Spirit, Great Spirit, God, Goddess, Source Energy, Universal Love - whatever name you give to the breath that breathes us all. I was raised Roman Catholic and have a deep connection to Mother Mary. Through my studies, practices, and experiences, my understanding of the One has expanded beyond my initial vision of God as the Father, the white-bearded guy up in the sky. I still love him - he is the one who always helps me find things! I now recognize that the Divine is also feminine. From Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene to Saraswati and Durga, from Mother Earth to Grandmother Moon. The Divine Feminine in union with the Sacred Masculine. I continue to study sacred texts, primarily in the Kaula lineage of Tantra. My devotion is woven into my offerings, from reading sacred poetry in a Yoga class or devoting an entire workshop to Mother Mary, Inanna, or Saraswati.
I am here to serve
All of my offerings are intended to be of service to my mitras, friends on the path. I want to share what I have learned - in my trainings and in the school of life - to empower you to live with a full heart.
May we be happy, may we be healthy.
May we be filled with grace and life with ease.
May we be open and protected,
Confident, creative and connected,
Abundant, generous and grateful,
Ready to receive and share
All blessings and teachings
For the highest good of our Self and all beings.
I am playful, imperfect perfection.
Sometimes reading what I’ve written about myself I feel uncomfortable. How can I say this? Me, with the doubts and fears? Me, with all my imperfections? Me, the human. The sourdough-baking, beach-loving, TV-watching, champagne-drinking, bossy, best pie-making human you’ll ever meet.
I am all of this. Sacred and profane, serious and playful, dark and light, strong and soft, whole and holy. Fully, playfully, imperfectly, perfectly human.
Connect with Theresa
Ready to begin? Have questions? Wondering what the best way is to begin your journey?