Autumn and Ancestors
Autumn Equinox is a moment of balance before darkness begins to grow over light. As we journey toward Winter Solstice, we walk into the darkness, into contemplation, into the Earth, into our Self and our mortality, joining the Ancestors.

Athena of the Seven Directions
Athena of Solitude
Athena of service
Athena of the breath of the heart
Guide me to listen to the wisdom of my own heart fire

Descending into quiet
1.79 miles, 4564 steps, 697 feet in elevation, 7 chakras, 54 minutes, 500 years.
In the energy of the Full Moon, walking down the rocky jungle path of the Reef Bay Trail on St John, USVI, toward sea level, back in time, into the darkness of contemplation, toward the Ancestors.

Exploring the Radiance Sutras
Beginning an exploration of The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche

Why Yoga for Ancestral Healing
Embodied practices like yoga can help heal trauma inherited from ancestors. Find out how Yoga for Ancestral Healing works.

The Power of Women’s Circles
As long as there were communities, women gathered in circles. Learn about the power of Women’s Circles and what to expect when we gather.

What is Prana Flow?
Flowing with the rhythm of life