Exploring the Radiance Sutras
Tuning into universal energy with Tantric poetry
For at least a year, friends had been gushing to me about The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche. I didn’t know if this was an ancient text like Patangali’s Yoga Sutras or just original writings called Sutras. I learned that Radiance Sutras are contemporary interpretations of an ancient text, the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. Oooh! So contemporary poetry and ancient text all in one. Now I was ready to explore! What keeps me engaged as I explore these sutras is the depth and beauty of the poetry. What I find, verse after verse, is that Roche manages to offer the essence of complex concepts from the VBT in poetry that’s not only beautiful, but quite accessible. I dove in - and the poetic waters are just fine. I hope you’ll swim along with me.
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (or VBT for short) is a collection of 112 meditations, focusing techniques to help us tune into universal energy, known to the tantrikas and yogis as Shakti. Tantra literally means woven. It speaks to the interwoven nature of the universe. Tantra practices help us tune into our connectedness with Universal Energy.
Written in approximately the 8th century CE, The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (VBT) is a Shiva text in the Kaula lineage of Tantra. If you are interested in the VBT, you can explore the translation by Daniel Odier in Yoga Spandakarika: The Sacred Texts at the Origins of Tantra. Another wonderful resource by a trusted resource is the collection of You Tube videos on the VBT by Christopher Wallis, author of Tantra Illuminated (a great introduction to Tantra!)
Poetry to Inspire
The Radiance Sutras are not direct translations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. They are poetic inspirations that give us insight into the interwoven nature of the universe. I share here Radiance Sutra #31. It speaks to the essence of Tantra, of our interconnectedness with Universal Energy.
Experience the substance of the body
And the world
As made up of vibrating particles
And these particles made up of
Even finer particles.
Drifting more deeply,
Feel into the pulse of energy
As it condenses from Infinity
And dissolve back into it
Noticing this, breathe easily
With infinity dancing everywhere.
Banter between lovers
Like the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra that inspired Roche’s poetry, The Radiance Sutras explore the playful banter between Bhairava and Bhairavi, Shiva and Shakti, spaciousness and fullness.
In verses 5-6 of the Radiance Sutras, Bhairavi asks Bhairava:
What is this power we call Life,
Appearing as the play of flesh and breath?
Do me a favor, my love,
Let me rest in your embrace,
Refresh me with the elixir of your wisdom,
Ravish me with your truth
“Let me rest in your embrace”
There is so much juiciness here! I love the sensual nature of these verse. I can see and feel Bhairavi resting on Bhairava’s body. She asks him to refresh her before ravishing her — with the truth.
Explore with me
I’m just beginning my enjoyment of The Radiance Sutras. I hope this entices you to read (or re-read!) them and to join me for Radiance Flow, a weekly class inspired by The Radiance Sutras.
The practice will begin with a reading from the The Radiance Sutras to inspire us and end with deep relaxation. You are also invited for a short (optional) discussion after class about he Radiance Sutras and the original text from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.
Learn more Radiance Flow and my other classes on our Classes page. I hope to move and breathe with you soon!